Fire Extinguisher Training

F.A.S.T. Rescue’s Fire Extinguisher Training complies with the most current standards and regulations.


Fire Extinguisher Training Overview

Fire can occur suddenly and spread quickly, making it crucial for employees to be well-prepared to respond. Our Fire Extinguisher Training provides participants with the knowledge and practical skills to safely manage small fires in the workplace.

Fire is a chemical reaction involving rapid oxidation or burning of fuel, and it requires three key elements to occur: fuel, oxygen, and heat. This course reviews how fires are classified, how to prevent fires from occurring, and how to safely use fire extinguishers to control small fires. In addition, participants will learn when it is unsafe to fight a fire, what to do if someone catches on fire, and how to evacuate a burning building efficiently and safely.

This training is essential for any workplace to ensure employees can act confidently and appropriately during fire emergencies.

Course Content

Our Fire Extinguisher Training covers the following key areas:

  • Understanding Fire and Its Elements: Learn the science behind fire, including the fire triangle (fuel, oxygen, and heat), and how it leads to combustion.
  • Fire Classifications: An overview of different types of fires (Class A, B, C, etc.) and which extinguishers are effective for each type.
  • Fire Prevention: Practical strategies to reduce fire hazards in the workplace and ensure a safer environment.
  • Fire Extinguisher Inspection: How to identify, inspect, and maintain fire extinguishers to ensure they are in working order when needed.
  • Using a Fire Extinguisher: Hands-on practice with fire extinguishers, learning how to safely operate them using the PASS technique (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep).
  • When Not to Fight a Fire: Understanding the situations where fighting a fire may be too dangerous and the importance of evacuating.
  • Emergency Procedures: What to do if someone catches on fire, how to execute an effective building evacuation, and how to assist others during an emergency.

Certification and Requirements

  • Duration: Typically 2–3 hours of instruction and practical training.

  • Prerequisite: None required.

  • Completion Requirements: Full participation in all practical exercises and successful demonstration of fire extinguisher use.

Certificate Granted


Full participation in all practical exercises and successful demonstration of fire extinguisher use.


Typically 2–3 hours of instruction and practical training.


Each participant will receive a Fire Safety Guidelines pamphlet and a certificate of completion.


Smurfit Westrock


Phone: (905) 760-2045
Email: [email protected]

Address: 750 Oakdale Rd, Suite 56, Toronto, M3N 2Z4

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