Violence, Harassment and Bullying In The Workplace

We all deserve to work in an environment that is free from harassment, violence and bullying. If you see or experience any of these, there are a number of steps to take towards resolution.
Types of Violence, Harassment and Bullying include: Physical, psychological, verbal, domestic, digital, sexual, etc.
These forms of Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying can be seen through:
- Physical violence, assault, aggression, damaging objects, throwing, etc.
- Threats of violence, in person, over the phone, via email, text, etc.
- Verbal abuse, name calling, tone of voice used, etc.
- Social media bullying, trolling, etc.
- Sexual comments, unwanted physical contact, being shown images sexual in nature, etc.
- Domestic violence spilling into the workplace
- Stalking
Speak Up! Report immediately to:
A Supervisor/Manager, H&S Rep/Committee Member, Senior Management or anyone you trust.
All reports of violence, harassment and bullying must be investigated and corrective measures taken in accordance with all policies and procedures. It is your responsibility to report incidents you are involved in or witness to, and to co-operate with the investigators during the investigation process.
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