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Right to Participate

Right to participate

The right to participate is one of the three basic rights that all Canadian employees have, alongside the right to know, and the right to refuse unsafe work.

The right to participate is designed to encourage and allow employees the fundamental right to get involved in keeping their workplace safe and healthy for not only themselves but their co-workers.

How can you invoke your right to participate?

  • Volunteer to become the Worker Health & Safety Representative or a member of the Safety Committee.
  • Ask questions when you are not sure about a safety related issue.
  • Participate in theory and practical training – make sure you ask questions, so you fully understand the materials.
  • Take your health and safety training seriously and put what you learn into practice.
  • Volunteer to assist with the monthly workplace inspections as a new set of eyes.
  • Point out hazards and raise concerns to the safety rep/committee when you see them doing the monthly inspections in your work area.
  • Be a role model to your co-workers and demonstrate safety first.
  • Report hazards to your supervisor/manager immediately – even if you have already corrected it yourself. It may be part of a larger issue that needs to be addressed.
  • Provide your concerns and/or recommendations for improvement to the safety rep/committee or your supervisor/manager. If you think something can be done safer and more efficiently, speak up!

Be an advocate not only for your own safety, but the safety of everyone in your workplace.