
How To Manage Heat Exhaustion

What You need To Urgently Do To Treat Heat exhaustion

As summer approaches, working or being highly active outside, or participating in some types of indoor events can bring on heat exhaustion.

Heat exhaustion can happen to anyone and is caused by a loss of salt and water from the body, usually through excessive sweating.

It can develop slowly and usually happens to people who aren’t used to hot conditions or humid weather. There is a precondition that people who are already unwell, or not feeling themselves, are more likely to get heat exhaustion, especially if they are suffering from severe conditions of vomiting and diarrhea.

A dangerous and common cause of heat exhaustion is when the body produces more heat than a person can naturally can cope with.

If someone who is overly hot can be treated with general first aid quickly, they should start feeling better quickly. But if not treated, they could develop severe heatstroke, which can lead to death, so be careful and drink lots of water, as a basic precaution.

What To Look For With Heat Exhaustion

These are the six key things to look for with heat exhaustion:

  1. Headaches
  2. Dizziness and confusion
  3. Loss of appetite and feeling sick
  4. Sweating with pale clammy skin
  5. Cramps in the arms, legs and stomach
  6. Fast, weakening pulse and shallow breathing

What You need To Urgently Do To Treat Heat exhaustion

• Help take them to a cool place and get them to lie down with their legs raised.

• Get a cool damp cloth on their forehead to cool them down, and open their collar and loosen some clothes.

• Then give them lots of water. You can also give them a sports drink like Powerade or Gatorade, or an oral rehydration solution to help replace the salt and fluid they have lost by sweating.

• Keep checking their breathing, pulse and level of response.

• Even if they recover quickly, suggest they see a doctor.

• If they seem to be getting worse, place them into the recovery position and call 911 for an ambulance.

• While waiting, keep checking their breathing, pulse and level of response.

Also note that heat exhaustion can happen to people who take non-prescription drugs, like ecstasy, which can stop the body from regulating its temperature properly. If someone gets hot and sweats a lot from dancing as well, they may get overheated and dehydrated, giving them heat exhaustion, so we recommend treating them immediately.

About F.A.S.T. Rescue

F.A.S.T. Rescue are health and safety experts offering consulting, supplies and training solutions that help make employees safe in the workplace. We’re passionate about health and safety, offering unrivaled value and solutions with a satisfaction guarantee. Headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

For more information, contact:

Shyamala Nathan-Turner
F.A.S.T. Rescue
Tel: 647-494-0032
Email: [email protected]