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Cannabis Legalization and Workplace Rules

With Canada Legalizing Marijuana, is Cannabis legal at work in Ontario? Not exactly!

Recreational cannabis in the workplace is still illegal after the October 17 legalization change, however there are some rules around medical cannabis in the workplace.

If you’re an employer, you also are required to address workplace hazards under Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) as well as know the rules for medical cannabis.

Employees and workers who can’t safely perform their jobs may present a hazard to themselves or to others in the workplace, and workers also have a duty to perform work safely and report any hazards they are aware of to their supervisor or employer.

There are additional rules, including those around commercial driving and where recreational usage is allowable.

We provide carefully crafted policies you can adopt or adapt to help your business quickly comply with the new requirements and avoid pitfalls of not being properly prepared.

Contact us to learn more.