Choosing The Right Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

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Choosing The Right Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a life-threatening emergency that can happen anywhere or anytime.

Until recently, most places relied on first aid attendants or by-standers to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) until medical help arrived.

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are important life-saving devices designed to asses and deliver electrical therapy to victims of SCA or arrhythmias in an emergency situation. In the past, only professional medical attendants and paramedics were able to use AED’s. Currently there are a large number of small, compact, and portable AED’s on the market that the average person with no medical background can operate with basic training.

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Does Your Business Have Adequate Workplace Emergency Training?

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Does Your Business Have Adequate Workplace Emergency Training?

occupational_health_and_safety_consultingI came across a very interesting workplace health and safety training survey the other day, it was of small-business managers and office workers about workplace health and safety.

What the survey showed, that I found very interesting, was that there is a workplace emergency training knowledge gap between managers and those whom they manage – and this should be a concern to us.

Specifically, too many office workers who answered the survey were not sure what to do during an workplace emergency. Nearly 70 percent of managers said their company has an emergency communication plan, but nearly half of the office workers weren’t sure a plan exists where they work, or said their company has no plan.

Half of the office workers said they participate in safety drills only once every few years or never, and only 19 percent of the office workers said they believe their company is prepared for a major medical emergency. More than 70 percent of both groups said their company is somewhat or very prepared for fires, however. Continue reading Does Your Business Have Adequate Workplace Emergency Training?

How To Manage Heat Exhaustion

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How To Manage Heat Exhaustion

Heat_ExhaustionAs summer approaches, working or being highly active outside, or participating in some types of indoor events can bring on heat exhaustion.

Heat exhaustion can happen to anyone and is caused by a loss of salt and water from the body, usually through excessive sweating.

It can develop slowly and usually happens to people who aren’t used to hot conditions or humid weather. There is a precondition that people who are already unwell, or not feeling themselves, are more likely to get heat exhaustion, especially if they are suffering from severe conditions of vomiting and diarrhea.

A dangerous and common cause of heat exhaustion is when the body produces more heat than a person can naturally can cope with.

If someone who is overly hot can be treated with general first aid quickly, they should start feeling better quickly. But if not treated, they could develop severe heatstroke, which can lead to death, so be careful and drink lots of water, as a basic precaution. Continue reading How To Manage Heat Exhaustion

Safety Tips to Keep Your Family Safe This Summer At Your Cottage

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Safety Tips to Keep Your Family Safe This Summer At Your Cottage

The cottage lifestyle means rest, relaxation and time away from the stress of the city. Most cottages offer you a relaxing getaway, sometimes in an isolated location near the lake or forest.  Since your cottage is likely tucked away, it’s incredibly important that you take preventative measures to protect you and your family from emergencies – here are some safety tips that will help you prepare for the summer

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Why Employers Must Provide First Aid And CPR Training?

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Why Employers Must Provide First Aid And CPR Training?

All business owners and managers have an obligation to keep the workplace safe. To do this involves three basic elements: steps to prevent or minimize accidents, adequate first aid supplies and proper first aid and cpr training.

Every employer should provide training to make sure its employees know what to do, how to do it and who is in charge in case a first aid or emergency situation occurs.

Proper first aid training not only satisfies provincial requirements, but fosters good will among employees, who recognize the care that their company expends to provide a safe and healthy environment for its most valuable asset: its employees.

Whether employees work in a high-hazard or low-hazard environment, they face a variety of risks. Shock, bleeding, poisonings, burns, temperature extremes, musculoskeletal injuries, bites and stings, medical emergencies and distressed employees in confined spaces are just a sampling of the first aid emergencies which might be encountered in your business.

These risks are compounded when employees don’t feel well. Their lack of concentration can result in costly injuries. Continue reading Why Employers Must Provide First Aid And CPR Training?

What Can An Employer Do To Prevent Workplace Violence?

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What Can An Employer Do To Prevent Workplace Violence?

Facts about Workplace Violence

Recognition of the dangers of workplace violence has reached peak levels in the last few years. A news report released on February 16, 2007 from Statistics Canada identified that almost 20% of all incidents of violence, including physical assault, sexual assault and robbery occurs in the victim’s workplace. In the US, 2 million workers are victims of workplace violence. Almost 10% of US fatal work injuries were attributed to homicides in 2005. In fact, homicides in the workplace rated #4 as the leading cause of fatal occupational injury in the US. These statistics are staggering and only serve to underline the importance of recognizing workplace violence as a serious threat within any organization.

Continue reading What Can An Employer Do To Prevent Workplace Violence?

Injuries In Your Workplace Are Costly – Get Workplace Safety Training

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Injuries In Your Workplace Are Costly – Get Workplace Safety Training

health_and_safety_ontarioKnowing how to avoid hazards in the workplace can help keep you and your employees safe from injury. Do your employees know how to work safely? Do you know your health and safety responsibilities as an employer?

On July 1st 2014, basic health and safety training became a requirement in the province of Ontario.

All employers must now keep a record of Basic Awareness Training on health and safety for their supervisors and workers.

Your health and safety training program must cover:

  • Duties and rights of workers, employers and supervisors
  • Roles of health and safety representatives and joint health and safety committees
  • The role of the organizations involved in occupational health and safety
  • Common workplace hazards
  • Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
  • Occupational illnesses

You must appoint a supervisor and provide training within one week of his or her start in the health and safety role.